Sunday 15 January 2012

I am so great

At the risk of having a big head and bragging, I am so great!
Little tune in my head (thanks Simpsons): I am so great!  I am so great!  G-R-A-T!  I mean, G-R-E-A-T!  I am so great!

I've decided to do a Cars party for the Little Big Fella's 3rd birthday.  It's not until March but given the strong possibility of moving around at that time, I thought I'd get a head start. 

I'm making the invitations look like Ticketek tickets (using Photoshop Elements 3) and they look AWESOME!!!!  (When they're actually complete, I'll give you a peek.)  I'm really stoked!  This is the first graphics-type stuff I've done in ages and it's looking SO cool!  And I'm so happy with it and with me.

I actually really enjoy doing graphic arts, desktop publishing and all that kind of stuff.  It really rocks my boat.  Hmmm, maybe I need to look at this as a career option?  I'm much better at graphics and words than I am with numbers too.  And I normally have plenty of internal motivation to do this kind of stuff too.  (Why did I work in accounts?  Oh!  That's right!  They were willing to pay me! :-D)

Turns out it doesn't take much to make me happy some days :-D

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