Friday 23 November 2012


I had the absolute pleasure of living in America for a year.  And this time of year inevitably reminds me of my favourite things (and people)!  For starters, my host-mum's birthday is around-about now (Happy Birthday K!).  Then there are the major "holidays" of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

You know what I loved about this season in America?  It wasn't the hype per se, but the genuine atmosphere of fun, and excitement, and love, and care for others.  Maybe it was just the group of people I was around, but this season brought out the best in so many people!

So yes, I'm a Christmas die-hard and carols and all that commercial hype gives me warm fuzzies inside because of the association I have, not only with my American experience, but also with my own family (and various additional family members along the way) and the great experience that this time of year is.

Yes, the shopping and chaos has kind of dulled it a bit over the years, but now I have a 3 year old and I'm ready to pump up the holiday spirit!

So, to the point of this post!  Today (in American time anyway) is Thanksgiving.  And I'd like to record some of the things and people that I'm thankful for.

I'm thankful for my family - immediate and extended.  Each of you has influenced my life in one way or another, to a greater or lesser extent, helping to define and shape me into the person I am today.  You have taught me that family is a strong, safe bond that adds fun to life and strength in pain.

My husband, the Big Fella; you are an amazing man and I feel so blessed and honoured to be your wife.  Your continual support of the three of us as a family is a credit to you, and I particularly admire your work ethic and ability to turn things to your advantage.  You are a loving father and husband and I love spending time with you (even if we're not doing much).

My darling son, the Little Big Fella; you are such a joy to me!  Yes, sometimes you drive me nuts but you also amaze me with your growth and development and you make me laugh so often.  I love it when you give me hugs and tell me that you love me.  You are a gorgeous boy, in appearance and in personality and I'm very thankful for the privilege of being your mum.

I'm so grateful for my friends, near and far, old and new!  My life would be much poorer without you in my life.  You make the good times great and the bad times bearable.  Thank you!

I'm so very grateful for my health.

I'm thankful that we live where we are and are able to have dogs and chickens and a garden.  I love that it's "country" enough that we have options available to us that we've not had elsewhere, even though we have less shops and obvious facilities.

I'm super grateful for the internet :-D  I'm grateful that it keeps me connected with so many of my wonderful friends and allows me to "see" my family.  I'm grateful that it provides me with access to the resources that are not physically here, and for the information I can gain through it.

I'm thankful for my ability to learn and understand.

I'm thankful for airconditioning ;-D

I'm thankful for the wide range of transport we have available to us, and that we can travel around the country and the world with relative ease.  And I'm thankful that the cost of fuel isn't overwhelmingly prohibitive.

I'm thankful for the peace that we enjoy in Australia and that I don't have to worry about someone breaking into my home and hurting my family.  Or dropping a bomb and destroying my town.

I'm thankful for the sights and sounds and smells that are part of my life; for the wide open spaces, the hills and the paddocks; for the "bush" smells and the sounds of birds and insects.

I'm thankful for the invention of small, blow-up swimming pools, cheap arts and crafts supplies, books and toys that entertain and help me teach my son.

I'm grateful for the spirit of generosity that I witness in people around me.

I'm grateful for laughter!

I'm grateful to have "enough" and a little bit more, and for opportunities to share what I have.

I could probably go on for a long time but I'll finish here with this:  I'm grateful to you for continuing to read my blog, and for those who sometimes make comments.  You are awesome and add that little bit of extra light to my life.  Thank you!

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